Bat Recording Manager (BRM) is a piece of software that I have developed largely for my own use, but I make it freely available although with no warranties of any kind.  It is continually being upgraded and new versions will be posted for download.

Bat Recording Manager arose because I was accumulating large numbers of full spectrum recordings of bats using a variety of equipment from laptops with a native sound card capable of digitising at 192ksps, to a Wildlife Acoustics EM3+ with a Neumic microphone, or a Petterson M500-384 recording to Bat Recorder on an Asus 7" Android tablet.  I needed a better way to keep track of all my recordings and to be able to locate recordings of specific bats quickly and easily.

Bat Recording Manager is a database application that stores metadata about all of your recording sessions and has details of each individual recording (i.e. .wav file) and annotations made to that recording when it was analysed.  It can display details of all your recording sessions, or it can display those sessions and recordings in which a specific species of bat was encountered.  It will accept images which can be attached to recordings, labelled segments of a recording or to particular bats.  Data can also be exported in a variety of report formats in .csv format.

Normal use is predicated on the use of Audacity to analyse recordings, using label tracks to store annotations for particular segments of a recording.  This approach is well suited to my own way of recording which is to record continuously into contiguous four minute long files.  However this approach is not so appropriate for long duration monitoring in which recordings are triggered by ultrasound and last just long enough to capture a single pass.  If recordings are made in this way then they can be more easily analysed using Kaleidoscope Viewer (the free version of Kaleidoscope) and the .wav files with their annotations can then be imported into Bat recording Manager.

Version 7.0 implements the ability to analyse and import on the fly.  In this mode the user can select a folder containing a group of .wav files and they will be opened in turn in Audacity for analysis.  As Audacity saves the label track and closes the information is immediately imported into Bat Recording Manager.  This saves considerable effort when analysing large numbers of files, but does require Audacity to be correctly configured in the first place.

Full source code is available on Github at for building under Visual Studio 2019.  Additional Nuget packages may be required.  The link below is for a fully configured setup executable which includes all supporting software required including a local copy of Audacity, database server and reference data for British bats.


Version 16.0.9174

Corrections to the Anaconda/BatDetect2 installer

Version 16.0.9171

Allows the user to accept multiple Auto-Ids as confirmed bats for a labelled segment.

Version 16.0.9167

Further bug fixes and major changes to the database structure to improve stability and reliability.

Version 15.0.9154

Further improvements to Auto ID with BatDetect2 and important bug fixes.

Version 15.0.9102

Further bug fixes, especially dealing with updating the GPS co-ordinates for a known location when filling the session form, and also to allow for errors generated by kaleidoscope when it marks old metadata as junk, and thereby corrupts the rest of the metadata section of the file.

Version 15.0.9086

Fixes some bugs and changes to the display format when AutoID is applied to a recording. Modified the database to allow for long AutoID strings. 

Version 15.0.9074

Fixes a bug in the Rename Files utility

Version 15.0.9068

Version 15 makes some additions to the database structure to allow for more use of AutoID.  It also incorporates the use of batdetect2 (from the BCT) to perform AutoID and incorporate the results into the database.  Future iterations will make more use of this AutoID data.  At present it is possible to AutoID a folder full of files and import the results into the database, although it should be borne in mind that batdetect2 is quite slow and this can take prolonged period.  Also batdetect2 can be run on a single recording which is already in the database, in which case each previously identified segment will be saved to a file and batdetect2 will be run on those extracted files.  Batdetect2 is not automatically installed, and if it has been installed already that installed version will be used.  If it is not present the user will be asked if they want to install Anaconda3 (the Python support required for batdetect2) and batdetect2.  If yes, then these will be downloaded and installed ready for use.


Version 14.3.9020

Minor changes to the Analyse data extraction, although this function is still temperamental and needs good signal to noise.  Major bug fix to allow for operation with the latest 64-bit Kaleidoscope - previously crashed if 32-bit Kaleidoscope was not found.

Version 14.3.9016

Fixed some bugs inn the Rename feature, which was failing to delete the old files when it did a rename in place.  Also fixes to bugs in the help function.  Note that the executable directory also contains copies of the Help and Tutorial files in .pdf and .html formats. 9016 has minor improvements to BatClassify.

Version 14.3.8970

Improvements to the Map part of the file rename function, although the rename form is still a bit confused.  Rename now also has the option to copy a folder fullof files while renaming them, so that transferring them from a card to a PC can be done safely without losing date and time information.  The Analyse using Kaleidoscope has also been modified so that it will by default use the HMBG prefferred button layout.  Changes made to additional buttons will be preserved.  After the import the original .ini file is restored.  The HMBG ini file can be found in C:\Echelocation\Resources as kaleidoscope.ini.hmbgnew.


Version 14.3.8956

Complete rewrite of the Map options since Bing Maps is being discontinued (replaced with an alternative with a different pricing structure).  Now uses GMaps.Net which nominally provides access to many different map providers, although only a few are implemented or valid for UK use.  The map route option, which used to open the map in a browser and save it as an .html file, now displays the map locally and stores the information in an XML file with the type of .xbml.  An additional application is installed, called BRMMap which can display the .xbml file and is associated with the .xbml extension so that double clicking the .xbml file will display the map.


Version 14.2.8901

Fixed some awkward bugs in the rename files function


Version 14.2.8872 

Fixes some minor bugs in the rename function

Version 14.2.8859 

8859 adds a new feature to bulk rename all the audio and related files in a given folder using the preferred file naming convention based on a 3 or 4 letter location ID code, a sequence digit and the date and time of each file.  In addition the utility writes a header file which will partially fill the Recording Session form when importing the files to Bat recording Manager.

Version 14.2.824 

Runs on .NET 8.0 and now includes a version of BatClassify translated into C# for Visual Studio.

BatClassify (originally by Chris Scott and written in C++ for QtCreator) has been re-written in C# and is now incorporated into BRM.  Context menus on the recording session, recording name or a labelled segment in the sessions View window will invoke BatClassify on all the segments in the selection.  Labelled Segment comments will be annotated inside curly braces with the identity of the highest scoring result from BatClassify as well as a list of all species or groups with scores greater than 0.5.  These identifications are not included in the BRM summaries.  If the target is a single Labelled Segment then BatCallAnalyser will be invoked using the parameters derived by BatClassify instead of the parameters extracted by BRM.


NEW Version 12.1

This version is essentially the same as the previous version 11.2, but is now built using .NET 6.1 instead of the old .NET Framework 4.8, which should give better performance and reliability going forward.  It has been tested using a clean install on Windows 10 64-bit but should also run on Windows 7 64-bit.


BRM 14.0.8536 Download


NEW Version 14.0

Now includes the ability to import and display thermal video data, using the HMBG Thermal Video Analysis Form, which is an excel spreadsheet, also downloadable through the link above.  Additionally Dark Sky is no longer in operation so weather data is now imported through Visual Crossing instead.  Full details of the upgrades are to be found in the accompanying Help file.

14.0.536 - Initial v14 release


Improved single shortcut to save labels and exit Audacity during 'Analyze and Import'.


Added the ability to modify the comment from within the spectrogram window, which modifies the database and updates the main display, but does not change the original text file or data embedded in the wav file.

By default the spectrogram frequency axis is locked and does not respond to zooming or panning, and therefore the mouse wheel of left buttons can be used to zoom and pan the spectrogram horizontally. Labels associated with the segment of file are also displayed below the spectrogram, but inside the frequency space and thse will now not be affected by zooming. If it is necessary to zoom the frequency axis then zoom in and zoom out buttons are provided. Zooming in this manner keeps the bottom of the frequency scale locked to 0. A 'free' button is also provided which unlocks the frequency axis and allows complete freedom in zooming and panning both horizontally and vertically, but this may make take the labels outside the field of view.
12.3.8264 Improved spectrogram generation giving a zoomable, pannable spectrogram window with adjustable parameters. Also improvements to the audio play mode including a broadband playback function - although the latter is a bit patchy with longer segments.
12.2.8194 Version increase to 12.2  Addition of a major feature to export an entire RecordingSession with its associated Recordings, LabelledSegments and Segment Images, to a .JSON text file which can be re-imported to the same or a different database.  The original .wav files are not copied and the OriginalFilePath for the session does not need to exist on the target computer.
12.1.8142 Now uses a new improved version of Bat Call Analyser, which runs (and is available as) a separate stand-alone programme.  BCA now supports alternative colour schemes and zoomable charts.  It is built on a new UI which it may be possible to develop on a multi-platform (Linux, Apple) basis.


12.1.8065 Fixes a problem with initialization of the database when installing to a new computer.


New Version 11.1

Internal imrovements and upgrades to .NET 4.8 and SQL Server Express 2019.  Now in 64-bit and only runs on a 64-bit version of Windows.

Version 11.2  Improves the main user interface and improves loading speed.

New Version 10.1 Accepts AutoID metadata

Version 10.1 now reads autoID metadata from GUANO or WAMD metadat in the .wav or .zc files on import.  The AutoID information is not used to classify recordings or segments, but is displayed alongside the manualID classifications in the Recordings view and in the reports.  Also all GUANO and WAMD metadata is now stored in the database and can  be viewed through the recording or segment context menus.


11.2.8053 Fixes an invisible bug by which the recording date and time did not store the seconds field.  When needed the corrected data is updated inn the database as and when detected and repaired. 
Added a field to the segment display to include the absolute time of the start of the segment in addition to the star and end offsets.
Added a field to the session summary to display the times of the start of the first and the end of the last segments for each bat.
11.2.8002 Additional bug-fixes and improved updating of tables after modifications.
11.2.7999 Fixed a fatal crash bug in Analyse and Import, and improved list updates when importing is completed.
11.2.7991 Improvements to the main page interface, with view selection now through a set of tabs and much fster loading of data.  Also the recording Search function had been inoperative and is now fixed.
11.1.7918 Fixes some bugs and makes improvements in speed to the aggregation of data for the Frequencies report.

1.1.7913 Adds the ability to export all reports in one go, using a context menu on the export button, with or without the frequencies report.

11.1.7903 Also displays the number of 'unsure' recordings in the Recordings and Recording Session summaries.  The unsure passes/segments are included in the overall totals given.

11.1.7891 Fixed problems in Split function and made improvements to parsing of the header file during Import

Apart from a fix to the bug in the List by Bats view, and some internal improvements to the item selection code, this major increment marks a change to using .NET framework 4.8 and SQL Server Express 2019. The application is also now exclusively a 64-bit application requiring a 64bit version of Windows. These measures should provide some slight improvement in performance but will also entail a long installation process.
10.3.7812 Switches to using the .NET spectrogram package of S W Harden for better looking spectrograms.  Spectrogram parameters are stored in a settings file in AppData.


10.2.7792 Adds the ability generate a spectrogram of one or more segments and store the spectrogram images in the database.  The feature can be accessed through context menus in the Recordings View, attached to the recording session, a selected recording name, or a specific Labelled Segment.  Note that his process is quite slow and may take some time if there are a lot of spectrograms to generate.

10.2.7783 Further updates Audacity to 3.0.2 which overcomes the problem of Audacity crashing occasionaly when opening a file.  Also has improvments in the display and handling of analysis in the recording details pane.

10.2.7755 Updates the included version of Audacity to v3.0.0 and modifies the access routines to suit the new version.  Also the BatCallAnalyser now has a 'SAVE' button which allows the analysed (or edited) parameters to be saved back to the database as a call linked to the selected and analysed segment.  If that segment already has a {} comment string then a pair of empty {} are appended to the comment to signify the presence of an analysed call dataset.  Toggling the 'Calls' button allows the latest saved call data to be displayed when hovering over the segment.

10.2.7749 Now allows for analysing 5s of the segment, 5 pulses or one pulse, and also permits selection of single pulses from the sonagram.  Has some improvements to the parameter extraction algorithms.

10.2.7732 Includes an installer for Bat Call Analyser which runs either as a separate program, or by selecting Analyse from the context menu on a segment in the Recordings View.  The internal  display is independent of the installation of the stand-alone Bat call Analyser but uses the same code.  Bat Call Analyser allows for the entry of call parameters and displays bar charts to compare the entered data with reference data for British bat species. The call data can also be imported from Kaleidoscope (Pro or Lite via the clipboard) or from AnalookW (by saving the measurement data to a file).

Version 10.1.7653 fixes a bug in the recordings search function and also adds a listing of all metadata (if any) to the session header section of the reports.

New Version 9.1 Includes Pulse Train Analysis

Bat Recording Manager is a program to store and display metadata related to recording the ultrasonic calls of bats, although it may also be useful in other areas of bioacoustic recording. When recordings have been analysed and annotated either using Audacity (for longer recordings) or Kaleidoscope (for large numbers of short, automatically triggered recordings), the results of the analyses are read and stored in a local database.

Version 9.1 expands on the previous version 8 series by including the ability to perform a pulse train analysis on one or more recordings depending on whether the recordings were analysed with Audacity or Kaleidoscope.
Pulse train analysis divides a recording into passes and tries to identify peaks in the signal envelope corresponding to bat pulses. It then takes the FFT of the extracted regions and identifies start, end and peak frequencies for the pulse as well as some other useful parameters.
Results are displayed in exportable tables and also graphically, and the parameters used in extracting and identifying pulses and spectral peaks may be adjusted by the user.
From version 9.1.7594 has the ability to extract metadata from .zc files which have been analysed using either Kaleidoscope or AnalookW.

BRM 9.1.7618 Download

9.1.7618 Makes improvements to the 'Filter' function and gets rid of a spurious error report.

9.1.7594 Adds the ability to handle .zc files analysed with Kaleidoscope or with AnalookW.  In addition there are improvements to the speed at which recordings load when the number of recordings/segments is very high.

9.1.7562 Split now excludes sessions with no recordings, and the Sessions view allows deletion of multiple selected files.

v9.1.7560 adds two significant new features.  Long (multi-day) sessions can be split into sessions of no more than 24hours running noon-noon (to allow an overnight session to remain as a single coherent session).  Session tags will have a suffix indicating the day number and the original large session will be removed.
A dynamic map of a session can be produced which will display in your browser and also be stored in the data folder as an .html file.  The map uses Bing map and the background can be a streetmap, aerial view or OS map. If there is a .GPX file in the data folder it will be used to display the route taken, and each recording will be shown as a pushpin, with annotations showing the bats in that recording and the time of the recording.  Where pins overlap a purple cluster-pin will be displayed and clicking on this pin will show the details of the pins contained in the cluster.  Below the map is a list of all pins in the displayed area and identifications of the bats found at each pin.  Clicking on any of these will display an info-box on the map for the selected recording.


9.1.7509 - Changes in the Xceed licensing conditions have necessitated changes i some of the UI controls and dependant software, especially DAteTime pickers, Time pickers, and Numerical Up/Down controls.  Also fixed som problems with detectting the dates of files, especially when the file dates have been corrupted by copying or moving the files (which corrupts the creation date) and then passing them through Kaleidoscope (which changes the modified date).  It is recomended to use Bulkrename to incorporate date and time information into the file name before any moving or copying is done.  Also fixed a problem with duplication of Manual ID tags when a file has both wamd and GUANO metadata.

9.1.7434 is the initial released version but the extraction algorithms and parameters may e refined in the near future. 


BRM 8.2.7359 Download

Version 8.2
Version 8.2 introduces a new feature in the form of indirect supportive applications.Version 8.2 introduces a new feature in the form of indirect supportive applications.These additional features are accessed through the main menu under the heading of Supp Apps.At present there is a single supplementary app called Filter which can be used to extract files from a folder if their notes or comments contain one of a range of user definable keywords.  This can typically be used to identify all .wav files in a folder which have not been analysed or in which it is was not possible to make a clear identification.  The same app can be used to re-merge re-analysed files into the main folder and to update the database accordingly.8.2 will also progressively improve the user interface in situations where therre are multiple click type to access a range of features.  In Future right-clicking will bring up a context menu from which the appropriate action can be selected.
Bug fix in the 'filter' application.
Addition of more context menus to simplify the UI especially in the image comparison window

Introduces the Filter supplementary App and also adds a right-click context menu when selecting one or more recordings in the List-By-Bats View.  If one or more recordings are selected in the List-ByBats View the context menu gives the choice of opening the Add Image dialog (the previous right-click function) or of exporting those .wav files to a user selected folder.  In this case the original files and the database are unaffected.
Exporting a summary report resulted in some fields containing text instead of data.  This is now fixed.  All other report formats were OK and are unaffected.
Makes improvements to the handling of non-standard file and folder names during AnalyseAndImport.  SHIFT-Click on Analyse AndImport now appends the new analysis to an existing (selected) session.
Adds a new Report format which gives a summary report for multiple sessions.  Data is listed by session (Location, Tag, GPS, MapRef, Start, End) and then by bat (Name, Passes/segments, Min, Max, Mean, Total duration). 
The Export button is repurposed to write new .txt files for the selected session.  It is only enabled for a single session and can either write just the missing.txt files or can overwrite and replace the existing .txt files including the header file.
Adds the ability to get online weather data (if connected to the internet) for a session with a known GPS location and date. Uses the DarkSky API to get the historical weather data which may not be geographically precise but will be for the nearest location known to DarkSky.


Fixes some problems with the report frequency table.  The table now uses times relative to sunset on the date of each recording session and starts at sunset -6 hours.


Now provide support for installing on Windows 8 and Windows 7 (SP1).  The installation has been tested in virtual machines on Windows 8.1 Enterprise and Windows 7 SP1 Enterprise, in both cases on newly installed windows.  In both cases the installer will have to install .NET framework 4.7.2 and SQLLocalDB.msi 2016.  The .NET framework install may take a long time and may require a restart.  If BRM still fails, try installing .NET Framwork and SQLLocalDB.msi, in that order, both freely downloadable from Microsoft.

Improvements to the UI especially the display of the Recordings list.  Also significant improvements to the mechanism for detecting the current database version which hopefully will prevent the installation problems reported on some machines.  Also provided a mechanism for taking a backup copy of the database by running BRMBackup.cmd in folder c:\BRMBackup.


Bug fixes to wav file import, Kaleidoscope analyse when folder has zero length files, and Frequency Table report generation for sessions running over multiple days


features various bug fixes and speed improvements


allows for editing the labels file when a recording is opened in Audacity from the Recording Sessions View (by Double-clicking on the recording name in the Recordings list), or from the List By Bats view (By double clicking on a recording in the recordings list pane).  In these cases, if the .txt file has been modified then the database will be updated accordingly and the main window will be fully refreshed from the updated databse.  This does NOT happen if the recording is opened by double-clicking on a Labelled Segment (in the recordingSessions View) or if the file is opened using the OPEN button in the image comparison window.  In these cases any changes made to the .txt file will not cause the database to be modified unless the recording is specifically opened as above and the labels file re-saved, or if the entire session is re-imported.


adds the ability to save a 'played' snippet to an audio .wav file, either in slowed down format or heterodyned.


has further refactoring and code tidying and a few minor bug fixes.  Sourcecode is now available at Github and licensing is now Apache 2.0.


Upgrades to using .NET 4.7.2 and includes data virtualization which speeds up page loading in some situations.


The link above will take you to the Figshare page which hosts this and earlier versions for Bat Recording Manager.

Hover over the file you wish to download and click the blue down-arrow on the right to download the file.


Click on the specific setup file that you wish to download (i.e. the one with the highest version number) - a new page will open saying that the file cannot be viewed.

Click on the 'Down File' link ( a small blue down arrow) to download the setup file to your computer.


Save the file in a known location, and then run it.

The Setup file will install the requisite version of .NET and the LocalSQL database support needed by the program.

Run the program and read the Help section for instructions on how to configure and use the system and for the file storage and naming conventions that it expects.

In the event of any errors, look in C:\BRM-Error for an error log file, and send it with a description of what went wrong and details of your computer and operating system, and I will do what I can to sort out the problem. Send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The program does need a reasonably powerful Windows 10 computer with a decent amount of memory in order to perform effectively, especially when the number of recordings is large.


v7.0.6789 contains bug fixes to prevent crashes when starting up with or switching to an old database which did not contain the Version table.  This bug could cause crashes at start-up or when trying to switch to an alternate database.

v7.0.6799 has cosmetic changes to the way in which folders are selected for analysis or to save images.

v7.0.6844 Allows the addition of fiducial lines to images in the comparison window.  Lines can be adjusted or deleted and their position is stored in the database when the window is closed. Exported images have the lines permanently drawn onto the image.  Exported image numbering is now modified to prevent overwriting pre-existing images in the destination folder.  More changes to try to prevent the program from crashing at start up when trying to identify the database version.  Drop me a line if you have this problem and let me know whether or not this version is an improvement.

7.0.6850 Fixes an occasional bug when saving images through Analyse and Import - using filenames in the caption has priority over bat's names.  Also improvements in file handling when changing databases - now attempts to recognise if a db is the right type.
7.0.6858 Makes some improvements to image handling, including a modification to the database structure to allow long descriptions for images (previously description+caption had to be less than 250 chars) and the ability to copy images within the application (but not to external applications).  A single image may now be used simultaneously as a bat image, a call image or a segment image.  Changes to it in one location will be reflected in all the other locations.  On deletion the link is removed and if there are no remaining links for the image then the image itself will be removed from the database.
7.0.6859 has some improvements to the image handling system.  In the batReference view the COMP button now adds all bat and call images for all selected bats to the comparison window.  Double clicking on a bat adds all bat, call and segment images for all the bats selected to the comparison window.
7.0.6860 removed the COMP button from the bat reference view.  Double-clicking in this view transfers all images of bat, calls and recordings to the comparison window.  Double-clicking in the ListByBats view transfers all recording images but not the bat and call images to the comparison window.  Exported images for recordings use the recording filename plus the start offset of the segment as a filename, or alternatively the image caption.
7.0.6865 Improvements to the grids and to grid scaling and movement especially for the sonagram grids.

7.0.6876 Added the ability to right-click on a labelled segment in the recordings detail list control, to open that recording in Audacity and scroll to the location of that labelled segment.  Only one instance of Audacity may be opened at a time or the scrolling does not work.  Also made some improvements to the scrolling behaviour of the recording detail window.

Version 7.1 makes significant changes to the way in which the recordingSessions list is displayed.  Because this list can get quite large and therefore takes a long time to load, it now loads the data in discrete pages.
At the top of the RecordingSessions List is a new navigation bar with a set of buttons and two combo-boxes.  The rightmost combobox is used to set the number of items that will be loaded and displayed on a page.  The selections are currently 10, 25, 50 and 100.  Slower machines may find it advantageous to use smaller page sizes in order to speed up load times and reduce the demand for memory and cpu-time.
The other combobox allows the selection of a sort field for the session list. 
Sessions are displayed in columns in a DataGrid which allows columns to be re-sized, moved and sorted.  These functions all now only apply to the subset of data that has been loaded as a page.  The Combo-box allows you to sort the full set of data in the database before loading the page.  Thus if the combobox is set to sort on DATE with a Page size of 10, then only the 10 earliest (or the 10 latest depending on the direction of sorting) sessions in the database will be loaded.  The displayed set of sessions can be sorted on the screen by clicking the column headers but this only changes the order on the screen, it does not load any other sessions from the database.
The four buttons can be used to load the next or previous pages or to move to the start or end of the complete database collection.  The Next or Previous buttons move the selection by 2/3 of the Page Size so that there will always be some visual overlap between pages.
The sort combo-box has two entries for each field, one with a suffix of ^ and one with a suffix of v .  These sort the database in Ascending or Descending order.  Selecting a sort field will update the display and sort the display entries on the same field, but the sort direction of the displayed items will be whatever was last used.  Clicking the column header will change the direction of sort for the displayed items.
v7.1.6885 Updates the database to DB version 6.2 by the addition of two link tables between bats and recordings and between bats and sessions.  These tables enable much faster access to bat specific data.  Also various improvements to improve the speed of loading data when switching to List By Bats view, especially with very large databases.
v7.1.6891 Further performance improvements in loading ListByBats and in loading images
v7.1.6901 Has the ability to perform screen grabs of images without needing an external screen grabber program.  Shift-Click on the 'PASTE' button and drag and resize the semi-transparent window to select a screen area, right click in the window to capture that portion of the screen.  For details refer to Import/Import Pictures

v7.1.6915 Fixed some scaling issues with Fiducial lines in the comparison window.

v7.1.6941 Adjustments and improvements to the grid settings and fiducial lines.  The Help file has a summary of all menu, mouse and keystroke commands.

v7.1.6951 Fixes some problems with the Search function

Version 7.2

Version 7.2 introduces the ability to play labeled segments at reduced speed or to play them as though heard with a tuned bat detector.  Selected segments can be played just once, or looped repeatedly until stopped and speed reductions of 1,1/5,1/10 and 1/20 are available. In the initial build, the segments are copied completely into memory and this may cause problems on machines with limited RAM available.

The Audio Play function is accessible from the Recordings Pane of the List Recordings View, or from the Comparison Window.

v7.2.6971 When opening a recording or segment in Audacity the corresponding .txt file will be opened as a label track.  NB this only works if there is only a single copy of Audacity open - subsequent calls with Audacity still open do not open the label track.

v7.2.6984 Improvements to image handling and some bug fixes.  You can now append a time range in seconds after the filename caption of an image and a new dummy segment with that timing will be created if en existing segment cannot be found.



This version includes its only private copy of Audacity 2.3.0 portable, which will be placed in the same folder as BRM and has its own pre-configured configuration file appropriate for use with BRM. This will not interfere with any existing installation of Audacity but provides all the Audacity features required by BRM with no further action by the user. BRM will use this version to display .wav files.

v7.2.7000 also includes a new report format which is tailored to provide data for the Hertfordshire Mammals, Amphibians and Reptiles survey.  It also displays the GPS co-ordinates for the Recording Session as an OS Grid Reference as well as latitude and longitude.

v7.2.7010 Speed improvements and bug-fixes to opening and running Audacity through BRM.  Audacity portable is now located in C:\audacity-win-portable instead of under the BRM program folder.

v7.2.7021 Upgrades the included version of Audacity to 2.3.1 and makes some other minor bug fixes

Version 7.3

Version 7.2 was found to have problems installing on some systems.  These problems have largely been resolved in 7.3 and this version has been demonstrated to install correctly on a virgin installation of Windows 10.

It will not run correctly on Windows 8/8.1 due to problems with installing the database server components.

Version 7.3.7038 has resolved the installation problems encountered with version 7.2 and has been successfully installed on a Virgin Windows 10 computer.  It does have a problem when importing data from recordings with Wildlife Acoustics recorders that store their own metadata in WAMD format and which have been analysed using Kaleidoscope.  In this case the metadata is not imported correctly.  There is no problem in situations where Kaleidoscope stores the analysis data in GUANO format, or when using Audacity.  This problem is currently being worked on.

version 7.3.7045 now works correctly with both WAMD and GUANO metadata or combinations of both.  Also fixes a few other bugs and ensures that file extensions are not case sensitive.

Version 7.3.7056 Adds the ability to link recording or segment images to bats or call types in the Bat reference View.  The Image scroller in Bat Reference View has an IMPORT button which will attach the currently selected image in the Comparison Window to the currently displayed bat or call type.  If the Comparison Window is not open or is empty the button does nothing.

v7.3.7062 fixes some problems with the import pictures function and cosmetic problems in the Import function. Also fixes scrolling problem in recordings list.

version 7.3.7067 corrects some inconsistencies in the open folder dialogs and tidies up some of the UI operations adding COMP-ALL buttons for the three main view panes and allowing a double-click to open a labelled segment in Audacity.

Download Bat Recording Manager v 7.3.7067


The link above will take you to the Figshare page which hosts this and earlier versions for Bat Recording Manager.

Hover over the file you wish to download and click the blue down-arrow on the right to download the file.


Click on the specific setup file that you wish to download (i.e. the one with the highest version number) - a new page will open saying that the file cannot be viewed.

Click on the 'Down File' link ( a small blue down arrow) to download the setup file to your computer.


Save the file in a known location, and then run it.

The Setup file will install the requisite version of .NET and the LocalSQL database support needed by the program.

Run the program and read the Help section for instructions on how to configure and use the system and for the file storage and naming conventions that it expects.

In the event of any errors, look in C:\BRM-Error for an error log file, and send it with a description of what went wrong and details of your computer and operating system, and I will do what I can to sort out the problem. Send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The program does need a reasonably powerful Windows 10 computer with a decent amount of memory in order to perform effectively, especially when the number of recordings is large.

Bat Recording Manager - Using the Program


This program provides a management system for your library of bat (or other) recordings. It can be flexible in its approach but is primarily designed to work with libraries stored and analysed according to a particular protocol which is described below.

The program has four main ‘views’. The default view lists all recording sessions, with details of the currently selected session. Sessions can be added or edited manually or deleted from the database. Similarly, individual recordings within the session can be added, edited or deleted.

The program assumes that the recordings are of bat calls, and incorporates a reference list of bat species, which can also be modified by the user. This reference list also defines a set of ‘tags’ which can be used when analyzing recordings to indicate the presence of each species.

Recordings may also be displayed ‘by bat species’. In this case, the defined species are listed and the recording sessions and recordings which detected the selected species are shown.

An ‘Import’ page allows recording sessions which have been analyzed using Audacity to be imported into the database. A single folder containing a set of recordings may be imported or a selection of folders can be imported sequentially.


BAT refers to a single species of bat. The default reference library contains a list of British bats and can be added to by the user. The reference library also contains explicit entries for ‘No Bats’ and ‘Unknown bat’.

TAG refers to an identifier for a particular species. A bat may have several identifiers, but identifiers should be unique to a species. Tags and bats have an order and are searched in that order – the order may be changed by the user. If a recording segment does not contain a recognized tag it will be marked as ‘Unknown’ bat. Tags in mixed case are not case sensitive, but a tag in all upper case IS case sensitive. Thus BLE matches ‘BLE’ but not ‘Probable’.

SESSION or Recording Session refers to a set of recordings made on the same occasion at a particular location. A session should have an identifying session tag which will generally be the name of the folder containing the recordings made during that session.

RECORDING a recording refers to a single .wav file. It should have an associated text file with the same name but the extension .txt instead of .wav. The text file is typically a Label track exported by Audacity and contains a series of entries each with a start time in seconds, and end time in seconds and a comment. The times are offsets into the recording and the comments should contain tags identifying the bats present.

SEGMENT or Labelled Segment is the portion of a recording which is marked with a comment in an Audacity Label track. It corresponds to a single entry in the text file.

PASS or Bat Pass is a measure of the abundance of bats. A bat pass is a contiguous set of pulses from a bat. Usually at least three pulses should be present for reliable identification. A continuous sequence of pulses of more than 7.5s is counted as several pulses. In this case, the duration of the segment is divided by 5 and rounded to the nearest integer to determine the number of passes. If more than one bat is identified in the same segment both bats are credited with the full number of passes.

My Protocol

The protocol described here assumes the use of an EM3+ bat detector/recorder, but maybe simply adapted to other systems.


The EM3+ is set to trigger at a 0dB threshold, and to record continuously into 4 minute long recordings. Recording mode is for .wav files at 384ksps and the EM3+ uses 16-bit digitisation.

Before each session the date and time are checked and the recording prefix is set. The recording prefix is typically a 3 or 4 character identifier which indicates the location, 2 digits identifying the year, a dash and an ordinal digit identifying the particular session at that location. E.g. BBY15-2 would be the prefix for the second session at Bayfordbury in 2015. Users may define alternative codes of their choice. The EM3+ names each file with the prefix plus the date and the time at which the recording started. The timestamp on the file indicates the time at which the recording ended.

Saving the recordings

When the session is complete the recordings can be moved into a folder on the PC for analysis. I place all of my recordings into a root folder called ‘BatRecordings’, which contains individual folders for each year. The year folder contains folders for each session, each of which contains all the recording .wav files made during that session. The folder is then named using the session prefix and date e.g. BBY15-2__20150903 for a session recorded on the 3rd of September 2015.

A ‘Header’ file may be created to add any extra notes about the recording session. This file should be a plain text file with a .txt extension and will be used by the program to try to extract basic information about the recording session. The first line of the file should consist of ‘[COPY]’, which will prevent the program from attempting to analyse it for bat recording data, and will identify it as a header file.


Bayfordbury Field Centre
3 Sep 2015, 18:55 – 22:15
Justin A T Halls
EM3+ 384ksps, 16 bit
Neumic microphone at 5% gain
10°C light cloud, calm
Walking round the usual route in a clockwise circuit.

If a GPS recorder was in use during the recording session (Ultra GPS on an Android phone works well and is free) then the resultant .gpx file should also be added to the folder containing the .wav files. It will be used by the program to identify the locations for the start and end of each recording.

If the recorder includes GUANO metadata (e.g. Peersonic, Petterson M500) then the header file should include a line containing [GUANO] so that the program will extract the metadata and include it in the recording notes.

Analysing the Recordings

Each .wav file can be analyzed in Audacity (current version 2.3.1) either using the portable version included with the BRM installer, or a version configured as described in the BRM help file.  The specific configuration enables BRM to open files and position them automatically.  After loading the file in spectrogram view, B will generate a new label track (backspace to delete the blank label). Copy the ‘Name’ of the audio track into the ‘Name’ of the label track. Expand the view to show 3-4s of the recording and press ‘J’ to go to the start of the track. Scan through the track, highlighting sections with bats and pressing B to add a label. The label may contain any comments but should include the tag for the identified species of bat or bats. The comment may include more than one bat tag. If there are no bats present in the entire recording select all with A and add a comment of ‘No Bats’.

When the recording has been fully analyzed, export the label track (it will default to the Name of the track, making sure that it is saved into the folder containing the original recording. Then close the wav file without saving. Repeat this process for all the recordings in the session.

The comment may optionally include call statistics enclosed in '{' and '}' .  Parameters that may be specified are: start frequency, end frequency, peak frequency, duration, inter-pulse interval and additional comments which will not be examined for bat tags - thus notes about bats not present may be included in {} to prevent that bat's name being included in the analysis.  The format of the call statistics is {sf=50,ef=20,pf=30,d=3,i=120,these numbers are examples, frequencies in kHz and times in ms}.  The numerical parts may be integer or decimal and may be either single numbers or they may specify a range.  A range of values may be given in the form 34.3+/-2.5 or as a simple range of value such as 45.3-23.4 in which case the range will be re-interpreted as m+/-d where m is the mean of the upper and lower limits and d half the difference between them.

Additionally, a comment may include a confidence level in the form of a single capital letter as the final character.  The letter may H (high confidence), M (medium confidence) or L (low confidence).  This will be used to colour code the comment in the main listings.

Since Audacity 2.1.3 the label text may also include the frequency extents of the selection when the label was created.  This requires spectral selection to be turned on and the selection will need to be terminated within the audio track and not dragged down into the label track so that the label will then be inserted with CTRL-B.  In the label text file, the upper and lower frequencies will be included on a separate line after the label starting with a backslash character. 

If the selection ended in the label track (which produces a lower frequency with a -ve value) the spectral parameters will be ignored.

If the label contains the string "{}" then the spectral parameters will be ignored.

If the label contains a parameter section {s=fff.ff, e=fff.ff, ...} then the spectral parameters will be ignored.

If the label contains a parameter section starting with a number and containing a comma {34.5, ...} then the spectral parameters will be ignored.

Otherwise, if the label contains a parameter section, the string s=fhi,e=flo, will be inserted immediately after the '{'

or if there is no parameter section then a parameter section defining start and end frequencies will be added to the end of the label.

Processing the Analysis

Import Data

Start the Bat Recording Manager program and select ‘Import’ from the ‘View’ menu. The application will display two empty panes with 5 buttons – Import, Sort, Process, Next and Select. Click the ‘Import’ button to select the folder containing the session to be imported. The selected folder should contain .wav and matching .txt files and may optionally container a header .txt file and a .gpx file. If the selected folder does not contain .wav and .txt files, then the subsidiary folder will be searched to find all subfolders which do contain .wav and .txt files.

The first such folder found will be opened and the contents of the .txt files will be displayed in the left-hand pane. Also, the Recording Session form will be displayed with the fields filled in as well as the program was able to from information found in the header file. Check that the data displayed in the form is correct and make any corrections and additions that may be necessary, then click OK.

If there is only one .txt file, or the .txt files have the double extension .log.txt then it is assumed that the .txt file is a header file and that the .log.txt file is a manually generated log file. The program will then attempt to split the log file into separate sections relating to each .wav file in the folder.

If multiple folders were found then the button bar will show the number of folders found and the Next and Select buttons will be enabled. The Select button will bring up a list of the folders that were found. If a folder is selected a Delete button will appear allowing it to be deleted from the list. ‘Add Folder’ and ‘Add Tree’ buttons allow additional folders and folder-trees to be added to the list. Click OK when the list is satisfactory.

Clicking the Next button will advance to the next folder in the list whether or not the currently selected folder has been processed.

Clicking the Sort button will display a list of the files in the current folder. Individual files can be moved up or down the list and additional files may be added or deleted from the list. It is advisable to ensure that the header .txt file is the first file in the list and that the remaining files are in chronological order. Click OK when the list is satisfactory.

Clicking the Process button will do two things. First, the information from the .txt files will be concatenated into a file with a .log.txt extension which will summarise the session information and the recordings data in a standardised format. The .log.txt file will automatically be saved in the folder being processed and the user will be asked if any existing file should be overwritten. The .log.txt file will also be displayed in the right-hand pane. Secondly, the data about the session and recordings will be saved in the program’s main database.

If there are more folders available to process, clicking the Next button will move on to the next folder.

List Recording Sessions

Select ‘List Recordings’ from the ‘View’ menu to display the list of all recording sessions that have been imported so far. The sessions are listed in the left-hand pane headed by a button bar with Add, Edit, Delete, and Export buttons.

Selecting a folder from the list will populate the right-hand pane with the details of the session. The right-hand pane is split into two parts. The upper part shows the overall session details including summary information about each species encountered during the session. The lower part shows details of each recording and each labelled segment in each recording. Each recording also contains summary information about all the bats encountered in that recording.

Double clicking on the GPS co-ordinates in the recording session detail pane will pop-up a window containing a map with the GPS co-ordinates of each recording marked. This map does require an internet connection.

The borders between the upper and lower right-hand panes, and the border between the left and right-hand panes may be dragged to optimise the layout according to the resolution and size of your screen. The three main panes are also equipped with scroll bars to allow all of the data to be viewed.

The Add button in the Sessions panel allows additional sessions to be added to the list without going through the Import process. A blank Recording Session form will be displayed allowing the user to provide session details manually. Recording Device, Microphone, Operator and Location fields are Combo Boxes which allow the user to select from a list pf all previously defined items in those categories, or new information can be typed into the box.

The Edit button uses the same form to allow the user to modify the details of the selected session.

The Export button saves information about the species observed during the selected session to a .csv file which can be imported into an Excel spreadsheet. The format is Date, Place, Grid Ref (GPS co-ordinates), Comment (Equipment details), Observer, Species, Abundance/Passes, Additional Info (Session Notes). This format is compatible with that used for HMBG records.


Additional Recordings may be added to a session using the Add button at the top of the list of recordings. A blank form will be displayed allowing the details of the recording to be added manually. The filename should be the name of the .wav file and may be typed in or browsed for using the ‘…’ button. In addition details of labelled segments maybe added to the recording. A labelled segment requires a start time in seconds, and end time in seconds and a comment. The times are offsets from the start of the recording file.

Similarly, existing recordings and segments may be edited or deleted from the list.

List By Bats

Select ‘List By Bats’ from the ‘View’ menu examine recordings and sessions organised by the types of bat present. A list of all known bats will be displayed in the left-hand pane, with the Common Name, Genus, Species, number of sessions, number of recordings and number of passes for each species.

Selecting a species of bat will display two lists in the right-hand pane. In the upper panel a list of all recording sessions featuring the selected bat, and in the lower panel a list of all recordings featuring that bat. If a specific session is selected then the recordings list will only show the recordings for that session.

Double-clicking on a recording will open the corresponding .wav file if it is present at the original location on the computer. Double-clicking on a recording session will switch to the ‘List Recordings’ view with that recording session selected.

Bat Reference

Select ‘Bat Reference’ from the ‘View’ menu to see a list of all bats known to the system. Selecting a bat from the left-hand pane will display the details about that bat in the right-hand pane. The Add/Edit/Delete buttons at the bottom of the list can be used to add new bats or modify details of existing bats. The final three items, NoBats, No Bats, and Unknown should not be changed. The order of the bats may also be changed using the UP and DOWN buttons. When the program is trying to identify a bat from its Tag the list of bats will be searched in the order shown. Thus a tag of ‘Soprano Pip’ will find the entry of Pipistrellus pygmaeus before the ‘Pip’ tag for an unknown Pipistrelle.

Each bat has a common name, which should be unique in the list, a Genus and a Species. For situations where the genus is not known, e.g. for a P50, the species entry should state sp..

Each bat should also have a list of tags by which it may be identified in the comments section of labeled segment. Multiple tags are allowed for each bat to allow for preferred abbreviations and the list of tags will be searched in order, the search stopping once a match is found. Note that while the search through the tag list terminates once a match is found, the search will continue through the rest of the list of bats so tags should not be duplicated.

Bat tags are generally not case sensitive unless the tag is all in upper case when it is case sensitive. This allows the use of tags such as BLE without the tag recognising the substring in probable as a matching tag.

Multiple Databases

There is a limited ability to access multiple databases through the ‘File’ menu. A new database of the correct format can be created by using the File/Create database menu item. A dialog allows the user to select the folder in which to create the database and to give a unique name to the database. The name must end with ‘BatReferenceDatabase.mdf’ or it will be rejected by the program. The file open dialog prompts the user with the name ‘_BatRefeenceDatabase.mdf’ so that it is simple to add a unique prefix as desired.

It is not advisable to delete a database, and even if the database files are deleted the database name cannot be re-used since it is registered in the database management system.

When a new database is created it will become the current database and new bat data can be imported or entered in the usual way.

Access to the original database can be restored by selecting File/Use Default Database, or an alternative database can be accessed by selecting File/Choose Database.


There is a restriction on the use of multiple databases. If an alternative database is either chosen or created and then another database is selected, it will not be possible to return to the originally selected or created database without first closing the program. It should always be possible to return to the original default database.

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Technical Information

The Bat Recording Manager is provided free of charge, but voluntary donations may be made through Paypal to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The program runs under Windows and requires Microsoft .NET 4.6.2 to be installed.  The setup program includes a copy of .NET 4.6.2 and will install it if it is not already installed on the computer, but it is not guaranteed that the version installed this way will be the latest version or will include all the latest updates.

The program stores the data in a local SQLExpress database in the form of a .mdf file which will also have an associated .ldf file.  The setup program also includes a copy of SQLExpress LocalDB which will be installed on the target computer.

The program will install a default database into C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Echolocation\WinBLP, along with a .xml file containing a basic set of  bat reference definitions.  The contents of the .xml file are used to initialise the database, after which it is renamed with a .bak extension.  This .bak file will be used if a new database is created.

If the database or .xml files already exist when the program is installed they will not be replaced by the new versions so that existing data will not be replaced or deleted when a new version of the program is installed.

The .xml bat reference file contains basic information on British bats but can be easily extended by the user through the program.  At present, it is not possible to revise the reference list by issuing updated .xml files but this feature is planned for a future release.  Since version 7.0 it is possible to define short fully capitalized identification tags for bats which will be replaced during the importation process with the full common name of the bat.  It can, therefore, be advantageous to add such short tags to the bat reference (e.g. CP for common Pipistrelle, SP for Soprano, NN for noctule, MD for Daubenton's etc) which can save a considerable amount of typing during analysis without leaving the annotations full of cryptic abbreviations.  The analysis .txt files remain unaltered, substitutions are only made in the information stored in the database.